The St. John the Evangelist Holy Name and Altar and Rosary societies will hold a Night at the Races at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30 in Seton Auditorium, Church Street, Pittston. Free admission and food with purchase of horse for $10. This is an adult-only function. The Holy Name Society provides parties and entertainment for the youth of the parish and an annual scholarship. The Altar and Rosary Society provides hospitality for all parish events and providing monies for the annual bazaar. Planning meeting attendees were from left first row, Paul Mullock, Ann Rose, Msgr. John Bendik, Judy Zerblas, Marty Simko, Jean Mudlock. Second row, Joseph Jones, Joey Jones, David Marx, Ian Gordon, Greg, Serfass, Rick Rinish, Edmund Philbin. photo

Information provided by Rick Rinish.

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