Ol’ Beady Eyes

There it was all black and shiny,

with a touch of dirt making its skin somewhat grimy.

He lay very still and didn’t make a sound,

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and appeared to look almost round.

Upon a closer look he moved an eye,

had no wings so I knew it couldn’t fly.

He looked at me kind of strange,

and I wondered, “What was his range?”

There were fours legs that were very short,

could be run fast as me, that would be a sport.

I’m really a little tyke,

who rides a little bike.

Still and all I like this creature,

because today he is the main feature.

He’s finally on his four feet,

and has a good heart beat.

It stays put in my hand,

and it looks quite grand.

I now have a new friend indeed,

and keep him in my pocket until it’s time for him to feed.

I wonder what kind of insect it is, guess I’ll ask my mom,

She names me the curious one, oh not again Ron.

She said it was a salamander, that is for sure,

how did it come into our house or through a sewer.

Who cares, he’s my friend to the end.

Ronald Voveris

