A Bear

It calmly walked by several homes nearby,

which only occurred one time in 39 years, as I say goodbye.

Early in the morning he walked six feet away from me,

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and at first I thought that it was a big dog loose and free.

After digesting the situation, it was a bear alright,

very strong looking and shiny fur coat at first sight.

As one alerts the neighbors to be on guard,

he comes out of someone else’s backyard.

This bear is probably searching for food,

and seems to be in a good mood.

There is no growling,

and certainly no howling.

So he or she must be happy,

and probably has awakened from its nappy.

As I returned to my house from my good deed,

here comes the bear following me at a very fast speed.

I hope he didn’t think that I was his morning meal,

because this is a person that he should not steal.

Mother Nature can be funny it seems.

but we humans still must be cautious, even with lots of sun beams.

— Ronald Voveris

