Luzerne County Courthouse
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Luzerne County Courthouse

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Luzerne County’s Government Study Commission has publicly posted three solicitations seeking qualifications from individuals and entities interested in serving as a consultant, legal counsel and recording secretary.

Qualifications must be submitted by 4 p.m. on July 30, according to the postings on the county purchasing page at

Past county study commissions have relied on similar outside assistance.

Authorized by county April 23 primary election voters, the commission will have nine months to report findings and recommendations and another nine months if it is opting to prepare and submit government changes. An extra two months is allowable if the commission is recommending electing council by district instead of at large.

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Voters must ultimately approve any commission recommendation for it to take effect.

Some specifics from the commission’s solicitations:

• Consultant

The selected individual or firm must help the commission in its review of the current charter and potential charter updates.

Ideally applicants should have experience working with municipal and county governments, home rule and/or optional plan municipalities and U.S. constitutional law.

In-person attendance at commission meetings is mandatory for the consultant.

• Legal counsel

The chosen attorney or law firm must provide legal guidance throughout the study and potential implementation process.

Similar to the consultant, experience with municipal and county governments, home rule and/or optional plan municipalities and U.S. constitutional law is requested. In-person commission meeting attendance is mandatory.

• Recording secretary

The secretary must assist with drafting meeting agendas and minutes, advertising meetings and other administrative tasks as needed to support the commission.

Secretary applicants must have experience providing administrative support for local government entities in Pennsylvania and be able to attend commission meetings in person.

Each solicitation details information that must be submitted to demonstrate qualifications, including references.

Requested billable hourly rates also must be submitted.

The commission has set an Aug. 22 goal to notify those selected, the solicitations say.

Members of the commission are: Tim McGinley, chair; Vito Malacari, vice chair; Ted Ritsick, secretary; Cindy Malkemes, treasurer; Matt Mitchell; Mark Shaffer; and Stephen J. Urban.

The next commission meeting is at 6 p.m. Thursday (July 18) in the county courthouse on River Street in Wilkes-Barre. Instructions to attend remotely will be posted under council’s online meeting link at

Reach Jennifer Learn-Andes at 570-991-6388 or on Twitter @TLJenLearnAndes.