Five-year-old Lylianna Yanulavich gets her face painted by artist Cindy Stefanski, of Colorful Chaos, during the National Night Out event held at the Wyoming Area Regional Police grounds, Wyoming, in conjunction with the Pittston City Police Dept. on Sunday, Aug. 11. 
                                 Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

Five-year-old Lylianna Yanulavich gets her face painted by artist Cindy Stefanski, of Colorful Chaos, during the National Night Out event held at the Wyoming Area Regional Police grounds, Wyoming, in conjunction with the Pittston City Police Dept. on Sunday, Aug. 11.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>Eleven-year-old Brady Mercavage tried on a helmet and shield as a part of National Night Out. </p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

Eleven-year-old Brady Mercavage tried on a helmet and shield as a part of National Night Out.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>Pittston City K9 police officer Drew Malvizzi, left, with K9 dog Fritz, has a captive audience just as he and Fritz were about to do a demonstration on Fritz’s ability to capture suspect. </p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

Pittston City K9 police officer Drew Malvizzi, left, with K9 dog Fritz, has a captive audience just as he and Fritz were about to do a demonstration on Fritz’s ability to capture suspect.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>Wyoming Area Regional Police Ptlm. Calahan is being subdued by Pittston City K9 Fritz during a demonstration of Fritz’s ability to capture a suspect.</p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

Wyoming Area Regional Police Ptlm. Calahan is being subdued by Pittston City K9 Fritz during a demonstration of Fritz’s ability to capture a suspect.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>Wyoming Area Regional Police Ptlm. Isaac Pugh shows six-year-old Louis DeMark some of the functions of the inside of a patrol car.</p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

Wyoming Area Regional Police Ptlm. Isaac Pugh shows six-year-old Louis DeMark some of the functions of the inside of a patrol car.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>Wyoming Area Kiwanian Jessica Yurek, left, hands seven-year-old Emma Labar an a flavored ice snack at National Night Out held by Wyoming Area Regional Police and Pittston City Police Dept.</p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

Wyoming Area Kiwanian Jessica Yurek, left, hands seven-year-old Emma Labar an a flavored ice snack at National Night Out held by Wyoming Area Regional Police and Pittston City Police Dept.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

WYOMING — National Night Out, founded in 1984 Matt Peskin, a volunteer for Pennsylvania’s Lower Merion Community Watch program, came up with the campaign’s concept to encourage residents to turn on their porch lights, go outside, and spend time with their neighbors and local police.

National Night Out has evolved into an annual community-building campaign that promotes police, community partnerships and neighborhood friendship.

On Sunday, Aug. 11, the Wyoming Area Regional Police (WARP) and the Pittston City Police Dept. (PCPD) held a joint National Night Out at the site of the new WARP headquarters; the former home of the PA State Police Barracks, Troop P, Wyoming Ave., Wyoming.

The afternoon/evening program held several demonstrations including: Taser Demonstration with WARP Sgt. Cianfichi & Ptlm. Samilo; K9 Demonstration with PCPD PFC Drew Malvizzi, K9 Fritz and WARP Ptlm. Callahan; Drone Demonstration featuring Luzerne Co. Dist. Attorney’s Office; and a Child Car Seat Check with Gr. Pittston Regional Ambulance and Luzerne County Sheriff’s Office.

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Fire trucks, ambulances, and police cruisers were on hand for all to experience close up.

Food trucks were on the grounds as well as several area vendor tents including: Pittston Area SD Family Center, Friends of Fern Leard, Cool Cat Crafts, Children’s Service Center, Wayne Bank, Miners Medical, Tina Creations, Whimsy Wonder Body Art, Harding Recreation Comm., Luzerne County Constable Assoc., Marvelous Enterprise, Wyoming Area Kiwanis, WARP, Luzerne County Sheriff’s Office, Domestic Violence Service Center, and DJ Donnie Evans provided the musical entertainment.

Face painting was offered by Cindy Stefanski, of Colorful Chaos.