The Jenkins Township Lions Club Ham Dinner committee gathers at Tony’s Pizza to prepare letters to be sent out regarding the fundraiser. From left, first row: Virginia Linskey, Danny and Betty Ball and Stephen Vitek. Second row: Joe Albert, Michael Meade, Bob Linskey and Stanley Rovinski.
Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch
JENKINS TWP. — The Jenkins Township Lions Club will hold its annual Ham Dinner from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29 at the Jenkins Township Hose Company. Tickets for take-out only dinners are $15. Reservations are required.
There will also be a 50/50 drawing and a basket raffle available at the time of food pick up.
The take-out meal will consist of ham with pineapple, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, coleslaw, rolls and cake.
“The annual Ham Dinner is our major fundraiser and allows the Lions to continue to contribute to and fund community services,” Stanley Rovinski, Jenkins Township Lions Club president, said. “The Jenkins Township Lions Club is a community minded service organization that cannot exist without your generosity. The Jenkins Township Lions Club appreciates your past support of this project and hope you will participate with this year’s dinner.”
The Jenkins Township Lions Club supports and donates to the Jenkins Township Annual Scholarship Program, Jenkins Township Little League, Children’s Egg Hunt and Holiday Parties, Jenkins Township Rec. Board, Lions Sight First Program, National Eye Bank Donor and Diabetes Programs, Christmas Nursing Home Project and various Human Service Organizations.
Canned fruit and applesauce will be accepted at the Ham Dinner and donated to Meals on Wheels. Nonperishable and canned goods will be donated to the Greater Pittston Food Pantry at St. John the Evangelist Church Care and Concern Ministries.
Brooms will be available for sale for $15. Basket raffles and 50/50 raffle will be available at the door for purchase.
Send payment, made out to the Jenkins Township Lions Club, by Sept. 15. You may also drop off your return at the Jenkins Township Municipal Building, Main Street, Jenkins Township.
You may also reach out to any Jenkins Township Lion for ham dinner tickets or call Stanley Rovinski at 570-905-8627 or Stephen Vitek at 570-655-5307.