St. Joseph Marello, the founder of the Oblates of St. Joseph with locations around the globe including Laflin.
LAFLIN — The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph (OSJ), Laflin, is preparing for the annual Triduum and special Labor Day Mass honoring St. Joseph the Worker.
A three-day preparation of Masses over the Labor Day weekend will be held Aug. 30 through Sept. 1 with daily Mass at noon in the chapel located at 1880 Rt. 315.
Devotions to St. Joseph will be offered after Mass, especially for workers and the unemployed. A blessing with the first-class relic of St. Joseph Marello, founder of the Oblate Order, will conclude the devotions.
A special Mass is scheduled for Labor Day morning, Monday, Sept. 2 at 11 a.m., honoring the Patron Saint of Workers.
Bread will be blessed and distributed following the Mass to all the faithful attending as a symbol of the fruit of our labor.
Serving as celebrant and homilist for this year’s Labor Day Mass will be Father Paul A. McDonnell, OSJ, rector of the OSJ religious community and pastor of Divine Mercy Parish, Scranton.
The Triduum Masses at noon and Labor Day morning will be broadcast live on JMJ Catholic Radio 104.5 FM.
For further information, contact the main office at 570-654-7542 or email at osjseminary@comcast.net.