It’s hereeee!

The 2024 Tomato Festival is finally upon us and even though it feels like it’s early this year, it’s not. The festival is always held on the third weekend each year and this year is no exception, it’s the way the calendar is set with Aug. 1 being later in the week.

There doesn’t seem to be big changes for this year as everything has been set from last year. The biggest hit from last year was the spaghetti-eating contest that turned out to be a blast.

Hopefully there will be enough contestants who can down a pound of pasta in three-minutes to add to the suspense of who will be the King or Queen of the spaghetti-eating event.

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The carnival rides have been such a big hit, especially with the teens. The festival has always been an event that is great for the adults, but there wasn’t much for teens to do and now there is.

The rides are situated at the top tier behind the Pittston Memorial Library.

The ever-popular Little Miss and Little Mister Tomato contest will be held on Sunday, Aug. 18 morning.

The judging of homegrown tomatoes will take place at the middle tier Main Stage under cover at the Zarra Building.

I believe most people attending the festival for the food and entertainment, of course, but I really believe the fest is like a high school homecoming, family reunion, and farewell to summer event all wrapped into four-days.

Yes the food is always great, the desserts always tasty, and the music always entertaining, but there’s nothing like walking about the grounds and running into old family and friends. Sometimes I only get to see some friends but once a year and it’s at the festival.

Speaking of entertainment, the line-ups over the four-days are always solid with topnotch local and outside the area musicians.

Throw in some tribute bands in the mix along with local artists; you have great nights of music.

From the local music scene, you can listen to Flaxy Morgan, Phyllis Hopkins Trio, Tori V & The Karma, the Luongo Brothers (from the Poets), Danny Argo and long time band, Strawberry Jam.

Gracie Jane Sinclair, a newly but established solo artists will bring original music as well as covers. She’s a country girl at heart but can play anything on acoustic guitar.

There are a few country acts in the line up and as well as a Beatles tribute band and a Billy Joel tribute band. No matter your taste in music, the festival committee does a great job of mixing up the musical line-up.

I miss the days when we would get an occasional visit from Bill Kelly and the late Jerry Hludzik; two local legends in music that put Greater Pittston and NEPA on the map when their band, The Buoys, hit the top 20 with “Timothy.”

The anticipation of the duo coming back was always a thrill and something to look forward to seeing and sadly that will never happen again, but the memories remain.

New this year and will be forever, the annual Tomato Festival Parade will be known as the Tomato Festival James Deice Memorial Parade.

The late Jimmy Deice lived for the City of Pittston and absolutely loved the Tomato Festival and I applaud organizers for naming the parade in Jimmy’s name that is gone and gratefully never forgotten.

Even though the Pittston Fire Dept. isn’t a part of the festival, but takes advantage of having their own fundraiser selling alcoholic beverages with live music.

The fire station always draws a large crowd and since the Tomato Festival itself will not sell alcohol, you can grab a brew there and support the firemen.

This past week, I had the honor of speaking to Greater Pittston’s own Kyle Gilmartin who was shot in the line of duty while working as a detective with the Scranton Police Dept. earlier this year.

Kyle was struck with two bullets into his temple at close range on a call in January when he was shot at close range.

I can’t even imagine what that was like and as his medical team would tell you, Kyle should not be here, but nothing short of a miracle, he’s not only here, but he’s gaining his strength back and with hard work ahead of him, he hopes to be back to active duty again.

Grit and determination is an understatement and when I spoke to Kyle, giving up isn’t an option.

My conversation was via a phone call, but I look forward to meeting him and his wife Lindsay and 19-month-old son Liam at the parade in just about a week’s time.

If you ever want to draw inspiration from someone, don’t look towards a sports star or a political figure, look right at your hometown – look at Kyle Gilmartin.

So three cheers to Kyle and continued success in his rehab and three cheers to the Tomato Festival committee for working hard in putting on the jewel of Greater Pittston.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for great weather.

Quote of the Week

“In playing ball and in life, a person occasionally gets the opportunity to do something great. When that time comes, only two things matter: being prepared to seize the moment and having the courage to take your best swing.” – Hank Aaron

Thought of the Week

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain

Bumper Sticker

“All great achievements require time.” – Maya Angelou