Greater Pittston Santa Squad (GPSS) founder and president Anthony Marranca, right, tears open a present from State Rep. James Haddock, center, like it’s Christmas morning. The gift was a $25,000 check. GPSS Gary Worosilla, left, helps.
Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch
PITTSTON — The Greater Pittston Santa Squad (GPSS) received a substantial boost from PA State Rep. James Haddock when he presented a check for $25,000 to aide the non-profit in purchasing new computer equipment, computer tablets, scanners, printers and other electronic devises to help with logging in, registering, accounting, and distribution of toys for the holiday season.
“I am just glad to support you from afar and I’m just so glad for what you do for 1,600 children each year, Haddock said.
According to Haddock, GPSS founder and president Tony Marranca asked him if there was any grant money available to help the GPSS to upgrade their technology.
The GPSS has been in need of computer equipment, scanners and printers to help with the registering, logging of toys and distribution because their equipment was very old and outdated.
“They (GPSS) really thought technology and computers was the way to go, Haddock added. “The Dept. of Community & Economic Development (DCED) searched and said they could fit the grant into the slot. Sometimes you just have to hit it right.”
Marranca said the money will go a very long way and updating all of the computers, scanners and finally getting an adequate printer will be extremely helpful.
“We’ll have you back at the end of November when everything’s rolling,” Marranca said to Haddock. “You’ll get to see all the equipment we got to purchase because of the grant.”
The GPSS held the first day of Christmas signups on the evening of the check presentation.