I have to say, with my job, I’m front row and center on many great things that happen in Greater Pittston, and this week was no exception.

I covered the naming of a facility at Wyoming Area, I saw and outstanding athlete’s number retired, and I got to see volunteerism at its best, and I photographed Pennsylvania Gov. Shapiro when he made a stop at Duryea.

When school is out of session in the summertime, I often panic wondering if there will be anything to cover during the summer months besides all the Little League all-star games, but this week was a busy with things other than sports.

Paul Marranca was a household name at Wyoming Area, Greater Pittston, and Wyoming Valley for nearly three decades when he put on his headset every Friday night in the fall to lead is Warrior football team.

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A disciple of the late Jack Henzes, Marranca set forth a career of not only teaching and coaching football but to mold young men and instill the values of hard work, loyalty and sportsmanship… something is mentor did quite well.

Paul eventually stepped down from coaching and teaching and now one of his disciples, Randy Spencer, has been coaching the Warriors offering what he learned from his mentor. The cycle continues.

This past week, Paul flew back to West Pittston from his home in Phoenix, Arizona, with his son PJ and daughter Sara in tow to take part in the naming of the Warrior training/weight room in his honor.

Now and forever the facility be known as the Paul J. Marranca Performance Center.

Coach Marranca told me, with emotion in his voice, he was very honored and humbled by the great honor.

Only the football stadium has been named in honor of someone, the weight room being the second at Wyoming Area.

Many of Marranca’s former players were on hand for the unveiling and many more could not make it.

A reception was held in Marranca’s honor at The Banks Waterfront following the unveiling.

It is always said, the bond between coach and player is special and beloved coaches, such as a Jack Henzes or Bob Barbieri and Paul Marranca, have players that would walk over hot coals for them if needed.

You can always tell the love a former player has for his coach when eyes fill up and voices quiver with emotions when speaking of their former coach.

I saw it when Marranca talked about Henzes and I saw it with many of Marranca’s player that day.

Congratulations Paul for a great career, the honor having a facility named after you and love and respect of the many, many athletes you influenced.

Speaking of athletes, Gianna Adams is another special person, on and off the field.

In her four-years of pitching at Pittston Area, she set all kinds of records and became the most prominent softball player in the program’s history. So much so, the Board of Education at Pittston Area decided to retire her number, which is the ultimate honor for any athlete, amateur to pro.

I’ve always said, when you talk to Gianna, you can sense greatness as you do with special athletes. She is very humble, driven, laser-focused and has a way of making you feel special when you speak to her.

Her coach of four-years, Frank Parente laughs when he admits Gianna is so humble and so not into her own statistics, she has no clue of all of her accomplishments. That may be true, especially if you ask her mom Denise and father Chris.

I think half of the time; Gianna wonders what all the fuss is over.

Her head is on so straight, she could play softball on any team all over this country, but she chose a college not known for sports as much for academics in Carnegie Mellon University.

When I asked her why did she chose Carnegie over a scholarship a big softball school, she said, “In the end softball does pay for the bills.”

Gianna wants an excellent education that will take her far into her life and knowing her, she’ll take that laser-focus and be extremely successful.

Good luck, Gianna, the pleasure of covering your softball career was an honor.

I stopped by the CEO Weinberg Food Bank at Pittston Twp. a few days ago and the work they do is extraordinary. They distribute food to four counties to thousands of people each year. Volunteers show up weekly to help package food for distribution. It’s truly remarkable of the amount of people with good intentions to volunteer for such a worthy cause.

And finally, PA Gov. Josh Shapiro stopped at Duryea this week to Production Systems Automation, Inc. to announce a job and economic growth bill.

I admit, each time I see him, he impresses me more and more and he loves being as bipartisan as possible. Case in point, he had PA State Reps. James Haddock-D and Aaron Kaufer-R on state citing both men worked together to get the job done on behalf of all Pennsylvanians. It was great to see unity from both sides of the isle.

It seems Shapiro’s name has been bounced around as a replacement for President Biden if he chooses to not seek re-election. Personally, I’d like him to stick around for a while — he’s good for all Pennsylvanians.

Quote of the Week

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” — Soren Kierkegaard

Thought of the Week

“Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever.” — Peter Hagerty

Bumper Sticker

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt