Luzerne County Courthouse

Luzerne County Courthouse

In a Wednesday statement entitled “another incorrect rumor,” Luzerne County Manager Romilda Crocamo said she must dispel claims that the county has started issuing ballots.

“That is patently false because the ballot has not been certified, and no ballots have been printed,” Crocamo said.

This claim of ballots already issued is being shared on social media as part of a push to flip the county’s voter registration from a Democratic to Republican majority. Some candidates also have been incorrectly referencing “early voting” now underway.

The county Election Board is scheduled to certify the April 23 primary election results from the 117th Legislative District state representative race on Monday. Unless incumbent candidate Mike Cabell seeks a recount, the Nov. 5 general election ballots will be prepared soon thereafter, Crocamo said.

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Once Nov. 5 general election mail ballots are printed and issued, which must occur by Oct. 22, voters will have the option to appear in person at the county election bureau to request and complete a mail ballot on the spot. This “on-demand” voting option would only be available for a short window until Oct. 29, which is the last day to apply for mail ballots.

So while this brief on-the-spot voting option is sometimes equated with “early voting,” it is not yet available. Furthermore, no ballots — mail, on-the-spot or those cast at the polls — are tallied and uploaded until the polls close at 8 p.m. Nov. 5.

According to Crocamo’s release:

National news organizations, specifically The New York Times and Fox News, incorrectly reported that early voting in Pennsylvania would begin on Sept. 16.

“That did not occur in countless counties across the Commonwealth due, in part, because there were numerous Pennsylvania appellate court decisions outstanding,” she wrote.

Since those incorrect news reports, the courts have issued decisions in outstanding cases, prompting the Pennsylvania Department of State to certify the Nov. 5 general election ballots, Crocamo wrote.

However, the 117th District state representative here could not be certified due to the pending certification of that race, she said. The state will amend the certification to include the 117th race once the county election board certifies the results, she said.

117th District candidate Jamie Walsh has a four-vote primary election lead over Cabell for the Republican nomination, and Cabell has not yet issued a statement on whether he will seek a recount before the board meets Monday.

Crocamo used the word “another” in describing the rumor in Wednesday’s release because she had issued a statement Monday disputing chatter that the election bureau is behind in processing thousands of Nov. 5 general election voter registration applications.

“Recent rumors regarding the processing of voter registration applications in Luzerne County have circulated, suggesting that the county is experiencing gross inefficiencies and delays,” the statement said. “We want to clarify that these claims are not only unfounded but also misrepresent the diligent efforts of our election officials.”

Crocamo said the final acceptance of voter registrations requires verification of Department of Transportation and Social Security Administration data, in compliance with the Help America Vote Act.

According to the state, the registration application requires voters to provide the last four digits of their social security number or the number on their PA driver’s license or PennDOT ID card. County Election Director Emily Cook has said the submitted information is checked through state databases, and an application would be flagged and not approved if the data fails to match up.

“As such, the county has no control over the timing and processes involved in this finalization phase,” Crocamo wrote. “We urge the public to rely on verified information and to refrain from spreading rumors that could undermine trust in our electoral process.”

Crocamo reiterated the election bureau is “committed to ensuring that all voter registration applications are processed efficiently and accurately” and has been “working tirelessly to manage the voter registration processing in accordance with all applicable regulations.”

“We are proud to report that the processing of all applications is proceeding with efficiency to ensure all applications are processed ahead of the Oct. 21, 2024 deadline,” she wrote.

The latest state update on voter registrations released Monday said Luzerne County has 202,677 registered voters — 87,237 Democrats, 87,004 Republicans and 28,436 not registered as Republicans or Democrats, with most choosing no affiliation.

Oct. 21 is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 5 general election.

Reach Jennifer Learn-Andes at 570-991-6388 or on Twitter @TLJenLearnAndes.