In a 75-year tradition of inspiring prayer and meditation through music, the Catholic Choral Society will present its annual Lenten concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 9, in St. Joseph Marello Church, 237 William St., Pittston.

In addition to the Choral Society, the concert will feature the combined parish choirs of St. Joseph Marello (director, Brandon Jopling) and St. John the Evangelist (director, Michael Sowa). Ann Manganello is music director of the Catholic Choral Society and Linda Houck is accompanist.

The concerts are open to the public free of charge. There will be a good will offering.

Lois Ostrowski and Brenda Grunza are co-presidents of the Catholic Choral Society. The group, marking its 70th season, is composed of 50 members from Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wayne, Susquehanna and Wyoming counties who will perform inspirational music in the Lenten tradition of the March concerts.

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