Janelle Drach, Greater Pittston YMCA director

Janelle Drach, Greater Pittston YMCA director

<p>The Greater Pittston YMCA</p>

The Greater Pittston YMCA

PITTSTON – The Grab-n-Go lunch and snack program will be coming to a close on Aug. 13. The program began on June 21 providing free activities along with snacks.

The Monday through Friday program was held in Greater Pittston at Jefferson Park, Pittston.

The Grab-n-Go is the effort initiated by the Greater Wilkes-Barre YMCA for the last few years and introduced this year at the Greater Pittston YMCA. Both YMCAs merged to become the Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA Association.

“It’s a free community focused program that has been running for a few years now in Wilkes-Barre and through the merger we were able to make an easy transition to start offering the program in Pittston as well,” Janelle Drach, executive director, Greater Pittston YMCA, said “The (Pittston) city was supportive of the effort to provide some programs in the parks and we felt it would be a new and unique way to get out into the community and meet more families while also providing free interactive activities and meals too”

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Drach said the Greater Pittston YMCA is looking to expand the effort in Greater Pittston as Wilkes-Barre YMCA did with the same program.

“Jefferson Park was a great first intro location for the program due to all the amenities it offers,” Drach said.

Lunches and snacks at Jefferson Park will continue until Aug. 13 from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. Take home activities are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. while supplies last.

The program is in partnership with the City of Pittston, Zion Food Bank, Luzerne/Schuylkill Workforce Development Board, and Pennsylvania CareerLink.