Wyoming Ave.
                                 Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

Wyoming Ave.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>100 block of Philadelphia Ave.</p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

100 block of Philadelphia Ave.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>300 block of Delaware Ave.</p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

300 block of Delaware Ave.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>200 block of Delaware Ave.</p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

200 block of Delaware Ave.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

<p>300 block of Delaware Ave.</p>
                                 <p>Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch</p>

300 block of Delaware Ave.

Tony Callaio | For Sunday Dispatch

WEST PITTSTON — Halloweentown is back, and this Thursday, some selected streets in the borough will be packed with children and adults looking at all the spooky houses decorated for Halloween and collecting treats along the way.

The weather promises to cooperate for one of the warmest Halloween nights in a long time.

Halloweentown has a website were you can identify houses participating in the Halloween ritual. You can point your browser to www.wphalloweentown.com where you will be able to find a map of the borough to find the hotspots for displays. The website also includes a gallery of photos of decorated houses, people in costumes, and new for this year, information on a scavenger hunt.

To go directly to the scavenger hunt page, go to https://tinyurl.com/fd6scvn5. It is there you will find rules and regulations on the hunt. It looks like fun so have fun.

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