Wyoming Area Junior High Baseball player D.J. Zupko is shown assisting in bagging groceries at Gerrity’s.
                                 Submitted photo

Wyoming Area Junior High Baseball player D.J. Zupko is shown assisting in bagging groceries at Gerrity’s.

Submitted photo

<p>DJ Zupko, left, Caleb Pavinski, center, Max Langdon right, helped bag groceries at Gerrity’s Supermarket on Sunday, April 7.</p>
                                 <p>Submitted photo</p>

DJ Zupko, left, Caleb Pavinski, center, Max Langdon right, helped bag groceries at Gerrity’s Supermarket on Sunday, April 7.

Submitted photo

<p>Wyoming Area Junior High baseball players, left to right, Lucas Stronski, Brady Lynch, Aaron Marshalonis, Matteo Argenio and David Favata.</p>
                                 <p>Submitted photo</p>

Wyoming Area Junior High baseball players, left to right, Lucas Stronski, Brady Lynch, Aaron Marshalonis, Matteo Argenio and David Favata.

Submitted photo

<p>Wyoming Area Junior High Baseball players, left to right: Cam McDermott, Jaxon Bryden and Nico Wardell.</p>
                                 <p>Submitted photo</p>

Wyoming Area Junior High Baseball players, left to right: Cam McDermott, Jaxon Bryden and Nico Wardell.

Submitted photo

<p>Matteo Argenio (8) and David Favata (15), members of the Wyoming Area Junior High baseball team, volunteer bagging groceries at Gerrity’s at West Pittston.</p>
                                 <p>Submitted photo</p>

Matteo Argenio (8) and David Favata (15), members of the Wyoming Area Junior High baseball team, volunteer bagging groceries at Gerrity’s at West Pittston.

Submitted photo

WEST PITTSTON – The Wyoming Area Junior High baseball team bagged groceries at Gerrity’s Supermarket

on Sunday, April 7, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Grades 7, 8, and 9 took three shifts to cover for bagging.